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 I create movement scores that focus on tracing the interplay between environments and inner landscapes, as well as cultivating a space for reflection and collective storytelling, to account for both the personal and political dimensions in the lived experience of distress. I consider the body as porous, a concept I develop from Stacy Alaimo's text "Bodily Natures", and permeable with environments. Hence the orientation toward the moving body as ecologically entangled, a term I adapt from Donna Haraway's text "Staying with the Trouble". I am curious about the potential of deep listening practices like forest bathing as a way to cultivate attunement with natural environments. I employ somatic movement methods to facilitate embodied process that enhances an awareness of the felt-sense by following impulses, pulsations, contractions and sensations arising in the body.


















Posthumanist, new materialist and eco feminist studies conceptually frame the movement scores holding propositions and invitations for embodied actions as ways to decentre anthropocentric views of the human, undermining hierarchies of being and troubling power relations. The workshops propose exploratory and playful ways into the body as a site for listening to the ecologically entangled embodied self by tracing sensations, gestures, moving from impulse and allowing the body to speak through witnessing, writing, mark-making and storytelling. 


I facilitate movement explorations between the human and the more-than-human by taking an experimental approach and developing the scores I use for facilitating sessions from my own site-specific embodied movement practice. I activate my relationship with environments through contact, slow-somatic movement, dreaming and encountering the land as a partner in dance. The prompts and invitations I design to facilitate guided movement are often inspired by the movements of creatures I meet along the way, landscapes, elements and objects.

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